Archive for November, 2007

NaBloPoMo Completed!
November 30, 2007

NaNoBloMo (National Blog Posting Month) successfully completed. The objective was to make a post a day for a whole month of November. Well, I was able to do that. I know, I cheated by posting priest guide information, or just screenshots on some days, but there’s nothing wrong with that … right? I figure I made up for it by occasionally squeezing out more than one post in a day.

Anyways, thanks to all the other NaBloPoMo people, and the participants in the World of Warcraft NaBloPoMo group.

Now to take a few days and work on the 12 half-written posts that I have. I really need to get some more information in that priest guide.


PS – I just had to post the NaBloPoMo obnoxiously huge cat banner.